Here are 4 Mindset Shifts That Will Save Your life:

Roua kanj
4 min readMar 23, 2024


Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash
  1. There is someone else out there with the same dreams as yours who is working harder than you:

As a person, you should have more self respect towards your words, dreams, and future self. It all starts by finishing your to do list for the day instead of spending endless time on your phone. If you didn’t finished what you promised yourself to do today, how can you ever trust yourself? How can you trust your own words?

As a individual, you should be aware for the “WHYs” so that you can deal with the “HOWs”. It s a must to be cognizant about the reason behind your dreams, this itself serves as a great motive in order for you to work harder. Don’t movie characters love making their younger version proud? Well… now it is your best era, you should be that character in the movie we once called life. Act as if you are the main character, and plan it out as if you are the directer who has control over the events.

Either you work and rest for 5 years, or you work for 5 years and rest. The choice is yours…

2. Dreams don’t work unless you do:

If you have ever wondered how you can make your life easy, then allow me to tell you that this is your responsibility. No one really cares about you because they are simply busy building their own life. I am not trying to tell you here that no one will ever help you and that your beloved ones are cold hearted and so selfish, it is just that they won’t really sacrifice their whole life and pour all of their efforts in order to help you sort out your stuff because they have dreams that deserve these efforts too. So instead of counting on someone, count on yourself.

Remember that you stab yourself in the back every time you do not stand up for your dreams. And you know what? what hurts the most isn’t the stab itself, but the person holding the knife. now read this again.

Don not hold knives, make sure to hold candles to lighten your own pathway.

3. The path of laziness has no alternative outcome but failure:

How many times have you studied last minute for an exam and regretted all the time you wasted doing nothing? How many times did you dodge away writing an article on medium? Did you ever think of how many followers would you have had you never given up for laziness?

Well, this is what I have always asked my self, and this is what pushes me towards writing here consistently.

I am well aware that if I did not invest in my writing potentials, I will have to regret it. Hence, why do something you are sure will upset you in the future? I define stupidity as the set of actions you commit whilst being aware of the consequences. Do not sink your own ship by piercing it, instead use it and sail faraway from your comfort zone.

4. You have no excuse not to fight:

Stephen hawking made a movie, wrote books, became one of the best physicists and traveled to space regardless of his disability. Hellen keller, the girl who got blind and deaf over night managed to be one of the most successful women of all time. Paul Alexander was diagnosed with the polio disease that struck him down, so he had to live with Iron lungs for decades but still managed to become a lawyer. The owner of amazon started this company with little money in a tiny office. Elon musk used to sleep on the couch in a shared dorm with his friend which was also where he worked.

You, who were born healthy and provided for is struggling because of procrastination.

Now tell me, what is your excuse ?

Summing up:

The moment I hit publish and you read this article, I take one tiny step towards meeting my best self. These small decisions we make every single day are what actually make the big difference. A drop of rain can never really caused a flood, but it is the consistency that made all of them accumulate. So do not aim to be one lazy drop, but rather aim to be a full sea and flood your life with all the goods you deserve.



Roua kanj

A girl fond of productivity and wants to make the best out of her life. A girl who dreams to slow dance with the stars. A girl with big aims, here she writes